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IT, företag juridisk rådgivning råd av Alexander Suliman, Sverige just nu: Anledningen till att Europeiska kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat på sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under
Civilization 2.0 from Rachid Moustafy
RACHID MOUSTAFY (teacher): “Education is the solution” RACHID MOUSTAFY is a French and Moroccan citizen born in Casablanca. His parents moved to France in 1968. Education is one of his passions. Civilisation 2.0 Civilisation 2.0, to me, will begin when
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The climb of a experienced judge in Houston : Brittanye Morris: A large part of Brittanye’s legal practice has included representing clients in courtrooms throughout the Houston area. It was during this representation that Brittanye witnessed some of the glaring
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