Michaela Jamelska or the ascent of a technology & innovation expert? Michaela Jamelska has been always interested in projects that are meaningful, innovative, and bring positive change into the world. I have worked for deep tech (Ai) startups in the director role, board advisor at NGOs in the space of human rights and politics, and tech consulting companies.

Michaela Jamelska on Ai and Gender Equality: Data fed into algorithms can determine its functioning, and thus a gender bias is embedded in AI by those who design the systems. So, whatever data is provided or consumed by the Ai systems, they will use them, pick up on patterns, and often even amplify them. One of the recent problems with consumed data was that AI was trained with a unimodal system, meaning it was trained to a very specific task (such as processing images which happened to be one of the underlying problems of AI being biased). Only recently, many of these algorithms have been trained with the so-called multimodal system. While these systems have been previously used for research, they’re becoming more commercial. It’s the same for humans who process data through various sources; new AI algorithm training will also have multiple sources, so there is no lack of context when processing data, allowing them to integrate different modalities and synthesize them.

Michaela Jamelska regarding the innovative 5G trial to boost business : Steve West, Chair of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Testing new ways of delivering services and harnessing this new technology could hold the key to a more connected, more advanced and sustainable future for the West of England. “Super-fast and ultra-reliable 5G is expected to offer an increased level of connectivity and new opportunities for businesses, including better remote working, and is likely to bring significant business growth opportunities for our region’s tech sector.” John Chaplin, Director of External Affairs and Special Projects at the Port said “The Bristol Port Company is proud to be a part of the team participating in this essential and exciting innovation project.”

Their efforts are a good start, but these rights will remain merely an idealistic concept if they are not backed up by the corporate and public action of integrating them within the systems. Last year alone, the approximate investment into AI was more than $75 billion, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. That kind of money accelerates the development exponentially. No approximate number is available for how much is invested yearly into human rights development. Every investment made for a solution that contributes to improving human rights could be considered an indirect investment in human rights, but I don’t estimate that the direct investment into human rights development is as high as it is into AI. Consider the official website of the UN Human Rights Department, which states that it gets a tiny part of the UN’s regular budget—only 3.7%. For the rest, the UN Human Rights Department relies heavily on voluntary contributions.

How 5G is crucial for autonomous multi-robots fleets and connected smart cities. Our CEO has set the vision for AI, Autonomy and 5G and will share this with an audience of more than 7000 participants from different countries in Asia. As he points out “We see growing demand for SG private / campus networks enabled autonomous services for smart manufacturing, factories, retail, logistics and supply-chain as well as 5G public network enabled rapid emergency response, comprehensive surveillance and inspections and robust live content streaming from mega public events.

Michaela Jamelska about the future of Air Mobility in Europe: “Current changes in drone technology hold enormous promise for the future use of airspace with the rapid expansion of digital transformation. This requires implementation of U-space and integrating unmanned and manned aviation for their safe coexistence. GOF2.0 project enables for all participants to obtain a better understanding of current challenges and opportunities implementing U-space. Unmanned Life brings to the project valuable expertise by integrating their Autonomy-as-a-Service software platform with U-space infrastructure to demonstrate how future commercial autonomous drone applications might function in a shared airspace.” Maria Tamm, Project Manager GOF 2.0

Our current everyday life and a lot of world issues stem from human biases and human nature. We often replicate the same biases into the new systems we invent. While it is difficult to create AI and meta systems without a human bias, in the virtual world and Metaverse (which will allow for the creation of a new world), we could limit those biases and learn from the mistakes we’ve made in the world in which we currently live. We are on the brink of creating a new world that can be a better, worse, or identical version of the one we are in at the moment. The second and the third options would be wasted opportunities to fabricate the more ideal world toward which we constantly strive.

Michaela Jamelska or the upsurge of a tech & human rights consultant