Top rated Samba experiences Rio de Janeiro: Boosts Heart & Mental Health – Samba is an aerobic exercise. This means that it promotes cardiovascular health as it is a great way to get your blood flowing and oxygenate your body. At the same time, it gives you a feeling of well-being, helping you improve your mental health. Improves Muscle Strength – All that dancing pays off. Dancing samba puts many muscles to work, which over time, leads to increased muscle strength. Stronger muscles help your body look more toned and defined. Are you ready to Samba? The more you dance, the more benefits you’ll see. Discover even more information at Rio de Janeiro night tours.

If you’ve had enough of the urban beat of Rio de Janeiro and crave a bit of nature, take a trip over to the Botanical Gardens. The wide trails under the canopy of green are well-maintained and provide an oasis of calm and a pleasant change from the concrete jungle nearby. The gardens are a UNESCO World Biosphere site and are home to over 8,000 species of plant life. Trails are well marked in English and be sure to follow the signs to both the Orchidarium, an iron-and-glass greenhouse built in the 1930s, and the Japanese Gardens. Note that an admission fee is charged to enter and at the time of writing only cash was accepted. If you have visited the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema and still crave more, but at the same time are looking for something a bit different, take the 20-kilometer jaunt down to Prainha. Where the rainforest meets the ocean, this beach is more natural than the ones in the heart of Rio.

Queen of the Drummers and the Bateria – At the very heart of the samba parade are the bateria or drummers that provide the much-needed energy for the samba dancers. The echoes of the drum beat with the Sambadrome are enough to keep even the spectators dancing all night long. Becoming a drummer requires extreme discipline and training. Innovation has infused the drumbeat with rhythms such as Brazilian Funk. And while these different beats do please the audience, the rhythm of the samba is the most important element to echo from these drums.

Towering over the city with its welcoming arms, the Christ the Redeemer statue is the iconic symbol of Rio de Janeiro and it’s something you must visit while you’re here. Set atop 709 meter-high Corcovado Mountain, this monument has been watching over the city for nearly 100 years. Views from the deck below the 30-meter-high monument out over the city, ocean, and surrounding mountains are incredible on a clear day. For the famous shot of yourself in front of the statue, walk about halfway down the stairs to the lower deck and shoot backward towards the statue. Visiting Christ the Redeemer isn’t all about views and selfies, the ride up to the top on the incline railway is half the fun. Ascending through the lush jungle, the steep ride to the top takes about 20 minutes and provides beautiful views.

The samba schools start planning their program next year as soon as this year’s Carnival is over. Musicians, architects, fashion designers, and choreographers work throughout the year to present 80 minutes of mind-blowing samba mania. Each artist puts forth his or her best effort to ensure their samba school’s show will be the most amazing of all. Unlike Rio’s famous street parties, the samba parade is a highly orchestrated event with each individual having a particular role to play according to the school’s theme. On Sunday and Monday the 12 top samba schools that include Beija-Flor, Mocidade, Salgueiro, Portela, Unidos da Tijuca, and Mangueira, among others. The number of points a samba school earns during the Sambadrome competition determines its place in next year’s competition. Those with fewer points compete in the lower groups and those with higher points strut their stuff in the elite group.

How heavy is a samba costume? Carnival Tour is a great way to see the behind-the-scenes of our incredible Carnival. Also, a very knowledgeable tour guide will tell you about the business part of Carnival, crunching the number of the people involved, how long it takes to prepare for an event of this magnitude, the costs involved, plus much more information. Of course, do not be afraid to pick their brains with your questions. Do not forget to strike a Samba pose when you are capturing the moment in crazy colors to post on your social media. Discover even more information on

Class + Night Tour – This Samba experience is very interesting so you can have a one-hour samba class and afterward, you take private transportation with your instructor and go to a samba club with a live band. Easy, Safe, and Fun! Usually, our tour starts at 7.00 pm. You arrive at our studio by yourself and after one hour of dance class, we get private transportation to enjoy a great night in Rio. You will have our tour guide with you for 3 hours. Tickets to the club are included and on the way back you choose what time and our guide help you to find transportation back so you can have a great samba experience with us.

Samba classes Rio de Janeiro today