Premium disc bowl centrifuge manufacturer and supplier: Based on our market research, it has been found that the shaking tube centrifuge equipment has become the preferred equipment for many production enterprises today. The equipment itself has low cost, but the production power is high. Therefore, we recommend that enterprises with demand can choose shaking tube centrifuge equipment to separate materials, which is not only cost-effective, but also has high practicality. On the other hand, the damping device included in the shaking tube centrifuge equipment produced by Shenzhou improves the safety factor of equipment operation, making it the company’s central product and patented product. Therefore, it can achieve anti-corrosion and explosion-proof effects during operation; The rotatable body is equipped with a mobile operating platform, which can rotate the body to the horizontal and directly pull the drum onto the mobile operating platform, facilitating cleaning and handling by staff, and dealing with most safety hazards during the separation process. Find more info on

The fundamental principles of operation for the 2 phase decanter centrifuge and 3-phase Shenzhou Machinery decanter centrifuges are identical to those of the horizontal decanter centrifuge. To separate substances with different densities, the equipment uses a high-speed rotating assembly to create an acceleration inside the bowl that is thousands of times stronger than gravity. Then, the relative motion between the bowl and the screw is generated by the differential gearbox, allowing for the separation of the substances. In contrast, 3 phase decanter centrifuges use centripetal pump technology to achieve solid-liquid-liquid three-phase separation, as opposed to Shenzhou Machinery 2-phase centrifuges, which are utilized for solid-liquid two-phase separation and discharge the solid slag and separation liquid from an opening at the bottom of the equipment collection box. Under the pressure of the centripetal pump, the heavy liquid phase is discharged through the flow outlet on the impeller. In contrast, gravity sends the solid slag and light liquid phase down from the bottom opening of the equipment collection box.

The casting process involves spinning a mold, which applies intense pressure to the molten metal. By separating lighter contaminants and impurities from the denser metal, these impurities can be contained in the bore of the component, minimizing the risk that weak points or porosity will form. Following casting, these impurities are removed via machining, leaving a highly pure product. Decreased production costs and greater purity will have a positive effect on efficiency. As impurities accumulate at the inside surface of the product, and these are machined out, the number of defective parts and reject decreases. With shorter set-up and production times, you save a lot of money.

High Speed Tubular Centrifuge, also called Tubular Bowl Separator or tubular bowl centrifuge, is a kind of fine separation equipment suitable for suspensions with thin concentration, fine particles, and small density difference solid-liquid separation, or liquid-liquid-solid separation. It is indispensable equipment for pharmaceutical, food, chemical, biological product, fermentation broth, beverages, blood products and other industries. High Speed Tubular Centrifuge working principle is that materials with different specific gravity are subject to different centrifugal forces when rotating at high speed, so as to achieve the purpose of separation. Read additional information on

Welcome all who care engaged in the separation and filtration to work with us,and we are also looking for the qualified world wide agents to provide better service and deep marketing. Shenzhou Machinery as the best custom decanter centrifuge and separator manufacturers, provides engineered 3D designs by 3D printer to meet your ideas. We have always followed the standardization rules for a rigorous production process, saving time and cost for both parties and bringing maximum benefits to you.

Since the late 1980s, China has been introducing, applying, digesting and absorbing advanced technologies from abroad, while developing similar equipment with independent technology. As an emerging leading equipment in the sludge dewatering process, the adaptability of the Decanter centrifuge to specific process conditions and the reliability of its own work can meet the expected design indicators and process requirements, which have been tested and verified. Based on this situation, a simple analysis of the structure of the Decanter centrifuge is conducted.

Premium industrial centrifuge manufacturer